The Prodigal Bride

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Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Major Anthony Lyndhurst cannot believe his eyes. “There’s no way that this is possible.” But regardless, here before him in his own bedroom is his wife, Georgie, who disappeared without a trace four years earlier. After she disappeared, rumours spread that he had killed her, and Anthony was ostracized from high society. There’s little chance of him forgiving her after that. Still, where has she been and what has she been doing these past four years? In the sequel to An Uncommon Abigail, the Lyndhursts’ family drama gets darker, when secrets concerning the members and the disappearance of Anthony’s young, estranged wife are uncovered.
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Major Anthony Lyndhurst cannot believe his eyes. “There’s no way that this is possible.” But regardless, here before him in his own bedroom is his wife, Georgie, who disappeared without a trace four years earlier. After she disappeared, rumours spread that he had killed her, and Anthony was ostracized from high society. There’s little chance of him forgiving her after that. Still, where has she been and what has she been doing these past four years? In the sequel to An Uncommon Abigail, the Lyndhursts’ family drama gets darker, when secrets concerning the members and the disappearance of Anthony’s young, estranged wife are uncovered.


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