In the Arms of the Sheikh

Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 5 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Natasha lives to work. Her bitter experiences in the past mean she is disinterested in relationships or marriage, but she agrees to be a bridesmaid at her best friend's wedding. At the engagement party, Natasha meets a man who rudely treats her with suspicion, infuriating her. This arrogant man is Kajim, an Arab sheikh, and best man to the groom. But as their paths continue to cross, and danger lurks in the Arabian desert, Natasha finds her true prince.
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Natasha lives to work. Her bitter experiences in the past mean she is disinterested in relationships or marriage, but she agrees to be a bridesmaid at her best friend's wedding. At the engagement party, Natasha meets a man who rudely treats her with suspicion, infuriating her. This arrogant man is Kajim, an Arab sheikh, and best man to the groom. But as their paths continue to cross, and danger lurks in the Arabian desert, Natasha finds her true prince.


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