Reviews / I Don't Even Have Time to Live

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The art is good, the story is kinda depressing lol, but yeah it is the reality thay many face on, but i think i wont read this much as it will bring me anxiety
Mar 17
thumb_up 9
Aurelia TariganFatira
As someone who (may) also have mental illness, this series is a distraction for me. Makes me feel somehow understood, eventhough is some cases, Nakano have it worse than I do. It could also be triggering when you read all of Nakano's depressive thoughts so I recommend to skip those if you're starting to feel something. All and all, a great series, worth to read.
Apr 01
thumb_up 7
This is an interesting look at depression. Although, not all people with depression constantly wish to die.
Dec 28
thumb_up 6
wow this is my favorite book yet
May 09
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I'm sorry, I didn't particularly like this. It's very discouraging, but it is the life of someone who is depressed.
Aug 25
thumb_up 8
In parts of this manga, I honestly felt like I was reading my life story. There were so many aspects that I related to: Wanting social interaction and being self-consicous about how to approach, the anxiety around short interactions like making phone calls and answering the door.
The way that it's written feels personable, like I'm reading a journal. I feel like I know the author.
When the parts that are jarring come up, especially talking about suicidial thoughts, it gets me.

Aug 25
thumb_up 16
Christina Hathaway
It's the kind of quirky relatable comic you can find from Sarah Andersen. It's like shining a light on those innermost feeling you usually brush off and it's funny.
Aug 25
thumb_up 12
Gothic Sugar
It's true that the art sn't polished, but it's not a manga like so many others out there. It's real which is why I recommend this. From the portrayal of thought processes-most of them, not eating due to lack of appetite, and just existing, he really makes it relateable. And I do feel badly for him and so many others in the comments of each chapter who voiced that they felt/feel the same way.
One good thing is that in spite of the constant negatives in the author's life, he realizes that he will eventually feel better, if only for a short time, because that's just how it works.
Aug 25
thumb_up 5
The manga has a very straightforward way of expressing all of the negative thoughts, and the straightforwardness is true to how those thoughts can work. There are chapters very relatable, however if you haven't been diagnosed with something as extreme as the main character or aren't familiar with someone who has been, some of the anecdotes can be a bit overbearing, but that is exactly how it should be portrayed, especially being overbearing towards the main character.
Aug 24
thumb_up 3
I like this manga, I believe it portrays someone with depression very well. The only thing I can complain about the character is that I don't like that he believes that when an attractive person touches him it's because they feel he'd be happy to have someone like them touch him. It is a realistic mentality, but I don't want that to be a mentality that is shown to represent people with depression.
Aug 24
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It was a simple but yet understandable.Some of the details are hilarious like the ‘hand’ soap store.This also shows how anxiety people lives such as me when I was younger.Some of it is true too,becuase I been through it.Yet this manga is very good to read and exciting somehow but I would prefer it.
Aug 23
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David C.
The artwork looks simple but it's a fun read!
Aug 23
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Wide-eyed Wander
This isn't like any manga I have ever read & honestly I think it is amazing. With all it's subtly & simplistic art it is able to capture the negative spiral of anxiety & depression. It is cleverly titled can you trap yourself in a vortex of negative thoughts that keep you from wanting to be yourself & experience other people & the world, which is so tragically relatable. It feels at times a reflection of myself but also tackles how men have a fear of being perceived as a gross & creepy person while women are scared of being assaulted by men. It really makes me contemplate how society has planted these seeds of self hatred & distrust to people.
Aug 23
thumb_up 3
The art is plain, but absolutely adorable much like the main character. As I read, his struggles hit close to home and I am able to remember my own awkward and depressing moments in my life. *Sigh* A good and short read overall if you are looking for reassurance that you are not the only one who is stuck in this awkward phase of life.
Aug 23
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Pretty true lol
Aug 22
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a relatable manga and pretty funny
Aug 22
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Rem Faoa
Whether you're suffering from depression or not, you can somewhat understand the author's struggle to everyday life while also having social anxiety and being a lazy shut in xD. The "comedy" in the story is more of a relatable matter but also gets the point across. Good read
Aug 22
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A biographical manga that shows the day to day battle the author has with bipolar disorder. Hard to read at times but worth it.
Aug 22
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good comedy
good reflection on reality of people 2 day
and me/outher people out there probably thinks is so them XD cuz its tru
Aug 22
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I really related with Nanako. I don't suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts, but I do have really bad social anxiety (I'm basically agoraphobic). His moments with people entering his personal bubble and hearing his phone ring, definitely know and have had those exact thoughts, "Please. Don't touch me." "Oh no. I've got the anxious sweats, I'm going to stink for sure," or "Who's calling me?... I ain't answering that."

Wish there was a way to tell him, "Don't worry, guy. You're not alone in this." I hope the manga is somehow therapeutic for him, being able to share like this.
Aug 21
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Pretty nice art style and quite funny at some parts.
Aug 21
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One of the best depictions of depression from my experience, and it has an interesting art style to boot. I know you don't think you're great at art, Nakano, but you've made a new fan today~
Aug 21
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Hatsune's Hubby
This caught my eye because of how different it looked. The art style, it reminds me of the comics in newspapers. The story is interesting.
Aug 21
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This is incredibly relatable. Even if you don't really suffer deeply from depression, but other states of the mind, like being an antisocial person, feels relating to situations depicted in it just as well. It feels believable regarding everyday struggles.
Aug 21
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Will The Soulless
A very dark and relatable read, this gives a perfect representation of the daily life of someone with Anxiety and Depression trying to cope and survive with each daily interaction and struggling to get by.
Aug 21
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That kind of humour only those who have suffered from depression and/or anxiety will understand. Some situations are highly relatable. If someone would like to know how a depressed person feels and thinks, this is definitely the best way to understand it.
Aug 21
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Justin Andrew Mason
A manga with simple art. It's a rather dark look into the monologue of depression and anxiety. There were aspects of the story that I think are relatable to most introverts, but others that seemed really concerning and potentially dangerous. I wouldn't recommend reading this if you're suffering from depression. However if you do not experience depression, but have friends that do, the story can provide an informative perspective of their daily battles.
Aug 20
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As someone who struggles personally with mental health problems, I relate a lot. Seeing someone who understands the lows in our lives and mildly humorous moments we deal with is refreshing. I too have been on a unstoppable train of thought: assuming I am bothering people for just existing, or a lump of depression. Or trying to seem cheerful only to have no energy immediately after, because it physically is more demanding than running to my body.

I recently found out on top of my known mental illnesses, I may have one we missed, which might mean I may be unable to ever reach where I'd like to be mentally. So reading this and seeing how someone like me, can still have some happiness amongst the depression is in a way reassuring.

Some people might think his life is awful, but the thing most people don't realize is that some mental illnesses make that level your baseline. You never really feel "okay," it sucks, we go to doctors, therapy, etc, but it never gets better for some of us. So
Aug 20
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Jiminnn Ymmm
Quite depressing, but somewhat relateable. The art style is simple, but the bold lines help define the story further. A good read for anyone who enjoys comedy manga.
Aug 18
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This manga follows Severe Depression, and follows the author through his many varying ventures into life and the outside world. The art style, although perhaps feeling somewhat amateur at first, really fits the style of manga quite nicely.
Aug 17
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Wow the MC makes Tomoko from Watamote look like a socialite. Too extreme for me, and I sort of fear for everyone who finds it relatable.
Aug 16
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Khúc Thiện Phúc
OMG. He is so lazy. Haha.
Lazy + shut-in + scare of stranger: what a great combination.
I should stop reading this to prevent me from being like him.
Haha. orz
Aug 15
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Very relatable, with a great art style for this kind of story.
Aug 15
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Sakura Matou
This series is so relate-able that at times I feel that I am the character! I will be planning to own the physical copies of these series
Aug 15
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The artstyle may not be detailed, but it is suitable for this manga. The manga is entertaining to read most of the time. However, sometimes its humor is hard to understand and makes you want to know what the point of certain build ups were for.

Despite its flaws, I think that giving this manga a shot is worth it due to its take on depression and how enjoyable it is to read most of the time.
Aug 15
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Kori Hough
definitely a very relatable story for those of us with mental illnesses and social insecurities. i could feel my anxiety creep up just by reading this. lol
Aug 14
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Thunderon213213 Burns
The story is good for someone who has an depression but the character's seems to be a bit weird to me.In my own opinion it would be better if the author would change the appearance of the main character.
Aug 14
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The artstyle for Nakano's I Don't Even Have Time to Live is extremely simple and is reminiscent of ONE's masterpiece One Punch Man. However the simplistic artstyle of Nakano's manga only serves to its benefit, as having a featureless protagonist aids in making the reader feel like the main character is extremely relateable. This is easily one of the most realistic portrayals of depression that I have ever read in a manga, and the easily consumable nature of the manga made me read chapter after chapter without putting it down. I can't help but feel a strong connection to the protagonist and perhaps the writer, as the depictions of depression are so realistic that perhaps they are events that have happened to the writer himself, I can only hope that both the protagonist and Nakano's situation improves and that they can ultimately find happiness and learn love themselves. Definitely give this a read!
Aug 13
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It's a funny book, and the simple art style really does a great job of conveying the message. Some of the chapters were relatable, and with a friend with depression, this helped me understand some of the struggles he'll be facing.

Great book
Aug 13
thumb_up 2
For anyone who has depression, this will more or less be relatable. There are also elements of anixety as the character is always worried about people looking at him and started assuming worse of the worse. I love how simple it is so people would understand the struggles even if they don't have depression or anxiety.
Aug 13
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Clara K. Supeno
Relatable af
Aug 13
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Official_ Dcc
Aug 12
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It feels so relaxing reading through every chapter. The humour is quite funny. Reading this makes you feel like wanting to be his friend. Quite a calming story. ^^
Aug 12
thumb_up 4
As someone who has severe depression and anxiety, I can really relate to this. It’s short and very simplistic, but I still think it’s worth the quick read. At least this proves that there is someone out there who could understand. You can do it
Aug 12
thumb_up 4
This comic is so relatable and funny!
Aug 12
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Strangely addictive. It's interesting to see an artistic approach to how depression and anxiety are portrayed.
Aug 12
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Allison Annabel
It's interesting in its own way
Aug 12
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This is really funny and relatable so far. Very depressing character but funny.
Aug 12
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Andrew TL
Not bad. Definitely an interesting view on the dynamics of depression and anxiety. I wouldn’t define myself as such but I am an introvert and there is definitely some crossover with that where I could relate. Good quick read!
Aug 12
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Excellent work. Really captures depression.
Aug 12
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It represents me so much, and it relax me in some way.
Very comic, I've readed only 3 chapters and i laughed whit every page.
Aug 12
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Interesting take on anxiety. Also, I relate to some of this soooooo much.

I'll stick around for another volume anyway.
Aug 12
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The title is already relatable in and of itself. So you can imagine how relatable the contents of this would be.
Aug 12
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This is a little too real! First one I've read from this site and I think I already found the read for me.
Aug 12
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Not my cup of tea but still a good read
Aug 12
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Chase Higa
Very relatable
Aug 12
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This is a really good manga that really shows the way of thinking some people have when dealing with depression. I often related to this way too often and am glad to see it in visual form. Not only that, but the simplistic style allowed for clear and easy-to-read atmospheres and emotions. I really enjoyed this manga and hope to see more. I do, however, caution those who do not like reading about depression and suicide, this manga will not be a good choice for you.
Aug 12
thumb_up 4
I was very interested by the minimal art style and gave it a shot. I like darker humor and laughing at my own depression and issues so this looked like a good choice. Just finished chapter 3 and I don't think I will continue. While I do relate to some of the issues presented I'm left confused if it's supposed to be dark humor or actually is just downright depressing. Maybe it will be more enjoyable to someone else. I'd say it's worth a shot to form your own opinion on this one as you can read though it very quickly.
Aug 12
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Very interesting story line
Aug 11
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Reminds me of Tomoko, only quite obviously older and most likely way worse.
Aug 11
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