Reviews / Journey To The West Girls

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hi there, koneko-chan-tachi.
have to admit, surreal \ psychedelic \ dreamlike stuff is my weak point. and this manga is just what the doctor prescribed.
this bizzare trip-story had captivated me from the very beginning with its stylish art (ahhh, those colorings and panel transitions!) and lovely characters (both in personality and design ways).
and then the plot had kicked in. it's twisted. bordering on being crazy. in a good way. and at some points you might find yourselves searching the floor. for your jaws. but the story never turns into some mish-mash. I take off my képi.
and it has quite good ending. honestly, I'm a little sad for it to end so quickly (hey, come on, even "FLCL" is 15 chapters long!). but it's much better than see this whole thing turn into another soap opera.

tl;dr: if you're into Kon's works or something like "Welcome to Night Vale", give this piece a try. I bet, these kyuties won't disappoint you.
May 06
thumb_up 5
Justin Andrew Mason
Amazing! If I could give this manga series more stars, I absolutely would. There's some next level stuff going on here -- from the fantastical story (with a very FLCL vibe), to the character and world design, to the incredible use of perspective and constant "Satoshi Kon"-esque scene transitions. The use of minimal color is done intelligently and intentionally, and the vertical flow of the pages is the best I've ever seen. Really, I can't heap enough praise upon Yuta Kayashima's work here. Just an amazing visual experience that's leaps and bounds ahead of contemporaries.
Sep 08
thumb_up 7
Somewhat random, wacky and full of shenanigans. For the most part the only complaint I have is with the artwork at times is a bit...rough. Other than that it seems like a fun mini series to read through.
Aug 31
thumb_up 9
Gothic Sugar
I did not expect ot like rhis as much as did. I've only read through the first four chapters so far (saving my tickets), but it is pretty funny.
My gripes are that the reason foe the journey isn't given to us until the second chapter. I'm not really familiar with the story this is based on, so the first chapter was hard to get through. I do recommend carrying on past that though because it gets better, and funnier.
Aug 23
thumb_up 5
David C.
Unique story and funny!
Aug 23
thumb_up 3
Official_ Dcc
Aug 12
thumb_up 2
This a fun take on Journey to the West. Seeing Sanzo as a lazy party-girl is SO FUN because it's so drastically different. Oh, and there's MECHS in this! Definitely check this out if you want to shut your brain off and relax for a little while.
Aug 11
thumb_up 2
A fun story to read. Love the colors.
Aug 11
thumb_up 2
This manga was a fun and interesting take on the classic, "Journey to the West". The only complaint I have with this manga is the artwork. Some panels featured characters that look stiff and bit clunky. But, I like how the colors appeared in the drawings because it helps me tell the characters apart.

This manga was a fun way to pass time when you've got nothing to do.
Aug 11
thumb_up 2
Funny and lighthearted story! Can't wait to read more!
Aug 09
thumb_up 4