Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 5 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Author:
Kate Little Yu Kohaku
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Meredith is shy and self-effacing—even though she’s the daughter of an actress, the spotlight just makes her insecure. Still she agrees to participate in her company’s charity bachelorette auction to help out a friend. Much to her surprise, she finds herself very much in demand after getting a makeover and a sexy new dress! As the price keeps rising higher, she begins to wonder which bidder will be the man to win her attentions.
Manga Author:
Kate Little Yu Kohaku
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Meredith is shy and self-effacing—even though she’s the daughter of an actress, the spotlight just makes her insecure. Still she agrees to participate in her company’s charity bachelorette auction to help out a friend. Much to her surprise, she finds herself very much in demand after getting a makeover and a sexy new dress! As the price keeps rising higher, she begins to wonder which bidder will be the man to win her attentions.


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In The Same Manga Category (Harlequin Manga)
