Reviews / Astrological Story

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I found the story and the setting to be magical and imaginative. The plot can be a bit confusing at some parts, but I didn't have too much difficulty grasping the main points of the story. The main complaint I have with this manga is the artwork. While the artwork does a great job of giving off a magical vibe, the drawings of the characters were inconsistent. The characters look fine in one panel, and in the next scene, the characters' facial expression or some body part looks off.

However, I still enjoy this story.
Aug 21
thumb_up 1
Justin Andrew Mason
What a magnificently magical world. The art is simple, yet still manages to capture amazing flow, perspective, and embraces fantastic use of negative space. The story remains a bit loose, yet that seems to enhance the sense of abstract fancifulness the manga conveys. I really hope to see more of this title.
Aug 20
thumb_up 1
There needs to be more of this NOW. Sometimes the story is a little confusing, but it's definitely unique.
Aug 17
thumb_up 1
I've been trying to give stories that don't catch my eye, a chance to catch my imagination. While this one has a great story, it's really quite full of holes that I hope will be answered at a later point. The art is not that great, but I suppose it could be considered eclectic. At the rate the story is developing, I'm hoping to have some of the holes filled in and a better idea of the plot line. I spent a lot of the time being confused as I read, but by the end of the 3rd section I felt like I had a firm grasp of the characters. It will be interesting to see how this develops and whether it can earn the 2 stars needed to be a top shelf book. :)
Nov 19
thumb_up 26